Maestro Kasumov
"Maestro" Georgiy Kasumov started his lifelong journey into music
at the age of nine, having been accepted into a music academy in
St. Petersburg, Russia. In 1964, at the age of 14, he won his
first international music competition (clarinet); at 15, started to
play in the Student Orchestra of the Kirov Ballet Theatre. At 16
he graduated from the Special School of Music with distinction.

At 19, Georgiy started working in the Quality Control department of
the Musical Instrument Manufacturing Factory (Zavod Muzikal'nih -
Instrumentov), which gave him firsthand experience in all stages of
woodwind manufacturing. Going on to later receive a Bachelor of Music
in Clarinet Instruction, as well as a Master's Degree in Acoustical
Engineering, Georgiy was able to pioneer many new innovations for
improving woodwind instruments. Several of the prototypes of the French
system clarinets (A, Bb, C, D and Eb) and oboes that he developed were
later put into mass production. Prior to that, only German system woodwinds
were manufactured in Russia. In 1984, Georgiy returned to the Kirov Ballet
Theatre, this time as a Master Woodwind Repair Technician, where he worked
for nearly a decade. During that time, he developed and patented several
inventions for reed manufacturing.

At the same time, Georgiy was pursuing a successful teaching career, which
he started in 1973. In his twenty-plus years of teaching, he has served as
Associate Professor and as Chairman of the Woodwind and Brass Department.

After immigrating to the United States in 1994, Georgiy has worked for the
world-famous Fox Products Corporation and RDG Musical Instruments before
founding Maestro Woodwind Musical Instruments in 1998.